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Hackadelic Goes 2.0

Feb 18, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Featured  //  2 Comments

Real Experts Think More, Code Less!I’m finally doing it! I am re-branding my blog!

This was something that I thought of doing several times before (my word for it was “redesigning”), but I never got around to it.

Now I do.

I am actually in the midst of it. Knee-deep.



SEO Page Rank Sculpting My Ass – Nofollow Meta Game Over

Oct 14, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog, Featured  //  7 Comments

page rank sculpting nofollow game overThis is a post I wanted to write ever since mid summer this year, but never found the time to complete it. It presents another (and hopefully fresh) angle on the change in Google’s page rank algorithm, the new nofollow semantics, and their consequences for webmasters.


Intelligent Solutions Matter

Jul 3, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   Featured, WordPress  //  No Comments

ProgressIf you ask a solution provider, any solution provider, if their solutions were “intelligent”, you can bet you won’t get a single “no” answer. Consequently, every solution out there is intelligent, right? But is it?


The Email Harvest

Jun 27, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog, Featured  //  No Comments

Harvest (Summer Memories)This post is about email harvesting – a process of collecting user email addresses, mostly with the purpose of using them for spam.


Thousands of Dollars a Month Posting Links on Google from Home?

Jun 9, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog, Featured  //  16 Comments

Money at handRecently, I’m increasingly getting spam comments which refer to (yet another) “easy money from home” program. Interestingly, this time the name “Google” is involved. So I just thought I might jot down a bit of rant about it, but this turned out to be an analysis of the “easy money from home” scam pattern. I hope it’s informative, or at least entertaining. And you are welcome to join in.

Is SEO Mass Internet Destruction?

May 31, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog, Featured  //  8 Comments

One hand can stop reality.Originally, Google developed algorithms that were meant to reflect the relevance of a HTML page to a user seeking information. In times when people were not SEO-aware yet, a page that ranked high in search results did so because it’s content deserved it. Hence, page rank really meant that: A rank for that page’s content.

Things have changed since…

Multiblog Data Files Sharing Problem

May 28, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   Featured, WordPress  //  8 Comments

SharingIn an earlier post in this series, I was absolutely exalted about the Virtual Multiblog technology, and sated that I could not think of any drawback. While my enthusiasm remains, with further insights I did discover a fundamental systemic shortcoming.


Multiblogging Terminology For Dummies

May 27, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   Featured, WordPress  //  3 Comments

Rock, Paper, ScissorsMulti-blogs, or as I prefer to call them, blog farms, are not so widely spread that a common terminology exists. And where the words are missing, communication is difficult and prone to misunderstandings, and unilateral communication (i.e. writing) even more so. Here are the terms and concepts I found helpful when thinking about and developing in a multi-blog context, and which I intend to refer to in future posts on this topic.


Spam Blocking Technologies – A Quick Glance

May 22, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   Featured, WordPress  //  7 Comments

Die MadeIn the last couple of months, the amount of spam I’ve been receiving increased to an extent that it became impossible to manually check the spam queue. A logical step was to install a spam blocker that would block spam from being submitted in the first place.


What Is Open Source Support Worth To You?

Apr 26, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog, Featured  //  2 Comments

Free Beer Tomorrow Neon SignThe notion of “free” in FOSS – Free and Open Source Software – is commonly explained a “Free as in free speech, not as in free beer”. In practice, open source software is often provided literally for free – as I do with my plugins – and this is often referred to as “It’s free as in ‘free speech’, and as in ‘free beer'”. Read more >>


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I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...
and I'm all out of bubblegum.
-- Nada in They Live