Browsing articles in "Blog"

Marry Christmas

Dec 24, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog  //  No Comments

Come what may, merry Christmas everybody!

And good will towards all men and women!


Expand Your Fraud Defense Repertoire

Aug 11, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog  //  2 Comments

This is a quick post I just couldn’t resist doing. šŸ˜‰

Credit CardsIn times of recession, fraud is on the rise. In order to protect yourself from fraud, you need to learn to recognize the fraud techniques of manipulation. And learn how to react when facing those techniques. Expand your fraud defense repertoire by watching this FTC video.


Content Elements & Styles Taxonomy Quest

Jun 5, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog  //  No Comments

MammalsI have a terminology issue that I hope you can help me with. I’m looking for some terms that would be clear / intuitive to marketers, copywriters, and ideally web designers. Here’s what they are about:


Remove Unused CSS: Affordable CSS Optimizer Service

Jun 5, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog  //  2 Comments

If you work a lot with CSS, and over the years you don’t really know how much unused ballast you carry in your stylesheets, there is service that seems to do a decent job analyzing your website and finding that out for you Read more >>

Getting Real, Going North

Mar 27, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog  //  5 Comments

compassI wrote lately that getting real again is on my current agenda. That phrase, ā€œgetting realā€, may mean different things to different people. In this post I will elaborate on what it means to me, and the consequences that arise from it.


Hackadelic 2.0 Went Live

Feb 22, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog  //  No Comments

About 2 hours before schedule, Hackadelic website re-launched in it’s new clothes. A feedback forum is in place, and everybody is welcome to provide feedback and votes.


This step reflects the “Get Sexy” goal (see last post). Eager to learn how sexy you folks really find it. šŸ™‚

On Schedulle

Get Sexy, Get Social, Get Real

Feb 21, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog  //  No Comments

Get Real TinThese are the goals for my re-branding process:

  • Get Sexy
  • Get Social
  • Get Real



Hackadelic Goes 2.0

Feb 18, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Featured  //  2 Comments

Real Experts Think More, Code Less!I’m finally doing it! I am re-branding my blog!

This was something that I thought of doing several times before (my word for it was ā€œredesigningā€), but I never got around to it.

Now I do.

I am actually in the midst of it. Knee-deep.



Awesome New Year 2011 To All Of You

Jan 1, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog  //  No Comments
Happy HalloWishes: A Grim Grinning Ghosts Spooktacular in the wishes you an awesome New Year:

  • Luck in your business,
  • Excitement in your life, and
  • Peace in your heart.

God bless you!


Hackadelic New Year Wishes are carefully designed and thoroughly tested for simplicity, effectiveness and performance before they are released to the public. They contain only certified green materials, and guaranteed no animals were killed or injured during their making.


The GPL FAQ Has No Legal Validity! Get That And Stop Rubbing It In My Face!

Dec 5, 2010   //   by Hackadelic   //   Blog  //  4 Comments

365.274In virtually every debate about whether or not WordPress themes and plugins need to be GPL or not, sooner or later the proponents of the idea inevitably come up with the GPL FAQ. This is as annoying as it is ridiculous. The GPL FAQ has no legal validity! Period!

Once more I feel a strong urge to oppose such BS, and this time I will borrow the words of somebody much firmer in copyright law than me.Ā  Read more >>


Blog Categories

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...
and I'm all out of bubblegum.
-- Nada in They Live