Hackadelic Goes 2.0

Feb 18, 2011   //   by Hackadelic   //   Featured  //  2 Comments

Real Experts Think More, Code Less!I’m finally doing it! I am re-branding my blog!

This was something that I thought of doing several times before (my word for it was “redesigning”), but I never got around to it.

Now I do.

I am actually in the midst of it. Knee-deep.


I’ll be posting updates about this here and on Twitter, but the Facebook page that I’m setting up will be the first and most important source of updates.

To follow the journey, you should click the “Like” button here:

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Have you clicked the “Like” button?

Al right then, read on. 🙂

Now I’m probably the last person with a blog in the entire world who didn’t happily and actively engage on Twitter. If I do now, that really means something. So it may be fun to see how I do there.

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Also, it will be my first serious attempt on Facebook pages. Or on Facebook in general – outside my private life. Hell, I don’t even know if I’m made for this social thingy. It’s not that I’m the most extroverted person in the world or something…

Frankly, when I think about it, the thought of making all these changes scares me a bit.

ARGH! I’ll just do it anyway.

The count-down is ticking…

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For those of you who’d like to read the story behind this, here’s some background:

In the past half a year or so, I felt an increasing deficit of enthusiasm about my whole activity around hackadelic.com. The plug-ins, the posting, the conversations, all of it didn’t seem to lead anywhere. It all just started to feel kind of dull and pointless.

When I started this blog, it was supposed to be a fun, energizing journey, something that would open up new perspectives and improve my life…

Instead, all I’ve got was WORK.

I don’t mean to sound cynical, but I guess that’s the curse of every career based on trading time and effort for money (or other, non-material rewards): The better work you do, the more work you get to do. It may seem rewarding at the beginning, but when at some point you come to realize that, actually, the only reward for good work is just more work, it changes your perspective. You start seeing the rat race behind all that.

I came to realize that I just wasn’t happy that way.

Sooo, at some point I had to stop, step out of the hamster wheel, and rethink my situation.

They say, “love it, leave it, or change it”.

It was obvious that I didn’t love it. So I had to decide whether I was going to leave it, or change it.

I chose to change it.

Let’s see how it turns out.

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See you soon.

-- Hackadelic (whose real name is Zoran)
Hacking the ... out of WordPress, Life, the Universe, and Everything. ;O)


Now that I wrote this, I can almost hear the sound of The Clash in the back of my mind.

Should I stay? Or should I go? Or should I rock the casbah?

Meet me at the casbah!

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  • I’ll meet you at the Casbah?!
    (I wish–more like meet you on FB or Twitter)
    Plus I think I am a scanner too ;o)

    • Fine observation, Sharon! As for your wish: I just sent you a friend request on Facebook 🙂
      You know what they say, “be careful what you wish for” 😉

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I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...
and I'm all out of bubblegum.
-- Nada in They Live