Best Spam Blocker Still Kicking Ass
This is almost scary! Week 2 is nearly over and still not a single spam comment in the queue!
Best Spam Blocker Utility Kicking Ass
For a week or so I’ve had a spam blocker utility in place that simply rocks the casbah. Yessss! I had only 3 (!) spam entries in my spam queue this morning! The only 3 in the entire week!
Guess who cooked up this thing! Yepp! It was me! 🙂
The Quest For Best Spam Blocker Software Continues
Some time ago I installed spam blocker software to help me manage the tons of spam I’ve been getting. Meanwhile, I have revised my choice of spam blocker, tried another one, and I’m giving up that one, too. Here is the story…
The Email Harvest
This post is about email harvesting – a process of collecting user email addresses, mostly with the purpose of using them for spam.