Browsing articles tagged with " bugfix"

Hackadelic Series 1.1.1 Bugfix Release: Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Feb 10, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   WordPress  //  No Comments

This release is a quick fix for a silly bug in the front-end, due to which the series drop-down menu had erroneously links to included unpublished posts (clicking on which would have resulted in a “404 page not found” error for a user with insufficient privileges to view such posts – that is, non-admin users basically).

Now unpublished posts are hidden from “normal” visitors, and shown in italic to users with edit privilege.

The back-end still shows every entry in a series, but I changed the formatting to match the above semantics.

Naturally, this immediately leads to the question: What about multi-user blogs, where not every user may be given permission to adjust custom fields. I will address this in a future release.

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I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...
and I'm all out of bubblegum.
-- Nada in They Live