The GPL FAQ Has No Legal Validity! Get That And Stop Rubbing It In My Face!
In virtually every debate about whether or not WordPress themes and plugins need to be GPL or not, sooner or later the proponents of the idea inevitably come up with the GPL FAQ. This is as annoying as it is ridiculous. The GPL FAQ has no legal validity! Period!
Once more I feel a strong urge to oppose such BS, and this time I will borrow the words of somebody much firmer in copyright law than me. Read more >>
Is violating the GPL? – A fresh angle on the GPL vs. non-GPL wordpress themes and plugins debate
There is a never-ending dispute on whether it is legal or not to put WordPress themes and plugins under a license different than the GPL. The hardliners want to make us dogmatically believe that we can’t. In a prior article I already argued that you actually can, and here is one more fresh angle on this topic.
Making Money With WordPress Plugins – Mixing the GNU License With Others
From time to time the topic “Mixing GPL software with non-GPL software” crosses my www ways, and I often find there is a lot of misunderstanding about what GPL open source is about (as opposed to other open source software license models). This is not surprising, given that the GPL is probably one of the most complex software licenses around. Time to clarify some fundamentals…