TOC Malfunction Rumors Disproved

Jul 17, 2009   //   by Hackadelic   //   WordPress  //  3 Comments
This entry is part of a series, TOC Misconceptions»

coming and goingThere have been rumors that SEO Table Of Contents wouldn’t work properly on long pages with more than 12,500 characters. I just made a functional page with 29,837 (!) characters and a TOC, wich proves the rumors wrong.

Check it out, see for yourself: the TOC Test With Looong Text.


  • Yes, you may right – even if this error is exist.

    I was not aware that WP’s counter count in words not characters. So now I repeat the thing using your dummy text.

    See the results:

    A. A 13452 words long page – there is no generated content.

    B. A 12971 words long page – it is just reach the limit, generated normal. It is about 88-89000 characters, and 732 paragraph. I have no exact method to measure it, I used Notepad++ and OpenOffice.

    C. A 12963 words long page – it is somewhat smaller becouse I used a class in the shortcode. It is almost the same in charaters, about 88000.

    So, first of all, I apologize for the misleading data. But it is not a rumor, it is a fact.

    Please check it again.

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and I'm all out of bubblegum.
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